Deluxe Ivory Artificial Trailing Blossom Tree
Our 220cm Tall Artificial Trailing Blossom Trees are the perfect choice to create a beautiful permanent or temporary feature for your business or event.
Artificial trees are an easy maintenance free way to achieve the look your going for but without any of the difficulty or time needed to maintain a healthy tree.
Popular places where you can see our blossom trees are weddings and events, restaurants, bars, cafe’s and many more locations nationwide.
- Each tree is 220cm tall
- Easy to assemble
Delivery for this product takes 3-5 working days within the UK or ROI, and best of all, is FREE on all orders!
Locations outside of the UK & ROI will have a small delivery charge(calculated at checkout).
If your item isn’t suitable or you simply don’t like it, that's no problem!
Simply return your item within 14 days of purchase for a full refund.
Contact us either by phone, email, or live chat to begin your return and our team will arrange collection within two working days.
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